Families Can Count on Florida KidCare
If your family no longer qualifies for Medicaid, the Florida Department of Children and Families will automatically share your information with Florida KidCare.
You can count on Florida KidCare for quality, low-cost health and dental insurance made just for kids – with benefits ranging from doctor visits to surgeries, and so much more.
Be on the lookout for a yellow-striped envelope for more information and next steps. Have questions about how the process works? We're here to help. Visit our frequently asked questions below.
In the meantime, visit www.myflorida.com/accessflorida to update your Medicaid information. The Florida Department of Children and Families may ask for additional information from you while your case is being reviewed.

Affordable Coverage
Florida KidCare offers low-cost health insurance options based on the age of the child, and household income and size. Many families pay just $15 or $20 a month to cover all children in the household. See how Florida KidCare stacks up against federal marketplace plans:

Serving Florida families for over 20 years, Florida KidCare matches children with the best plan for their unique needs – given their age, health and more.
Want to talk with someone about all your health insurance options? Find a list of Florida-registered health navigators here.
Health Insurance 101
Don't know how health insurance works? We're here to help! The following short videos provide a basic tutorial on health insurance, and the options and benefits available to your family.
Health Insurance 101:
What You Need to Know
Choosing a Health Plan:
What to Consider
The Cost of NOT Having
Health Insurance
Quality Benefits
Florida KidCare was designed specifically with kids in mind, giving them access to the health services they need at each stage of growth and development.
Benefits include, but are not limited to:
Frequently Asked Questions
You should make sure your address on file is updated by logging in to your MyAccess account. Additionally, be on the lookout for a mailed or emailed notice from the Florida Department of Children and Families to complete your renewal. Once you receive the notice, you should renew immediately at https://www.myflorida.com/accessflorida/ to update your Medicaid information. The Department may ask for additional information from you while your case is being reviewed.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many Florida families earned less income and joined the Medicaid program for the first time. Usually, everyone on Medicaid goes through a renewal at least once per year when they are asked for information about how much money they make and how many people live in their household. Because Medicaid is an income-based program, recipients must meet certain requirements to participate. During the pandemic, everyone was allowed to continue getting Medicaid regardless of whether or not they still met the requirements, but renewals are starting again soon. Everyone on Medicaid will have to submit updated information, and, if they no longer meet the requirements, they will lose their Medicaid coverage. If that happens, the Medicaid program will help people find different insurance through other affordable programs, like Florida KidCare.
Florida KidCare provides low-cost health and dental insurance made just for kids.
Florida KidCare is working with the Medicaid program to help children find other affordable health insurance when Medicaid is no longer an option.
The Medicaid program automatically shared your information with Florida KidCare because we provide low-cost health and dental insurance made just for kids.
We looked at your information and your child(ren) qualify for Florida KidCare. We want to help you sign up so they continue to get the care they need.
The letter we sent included information about how much Florida KidCare costs each month. All you need to do is make your first monthly payment and that’s it – your kid(s) will be covered.
Once we receive your payment, you can pick out the health plan you want and the doctors your child(ren) will see.
We have many of the same doctors as Medicaid, so you may not even need to switch. There are helpful websites where you can search.
We work closely with the Medicaid program, and they told us you didn’t respond to their requests for renewing your child’s Medicaid. Because you didn’t respond, your child(ren) were taken off Medicaid.
They shared your information with Florida KidCare because we provide low-cost health and dental insurance made just for kids, and we can help you keep your kids covered if Medicaid is no longer an option.
But we want to double-check to see if your child(ren) can stay on Medicaid – and that’s why we need you to update your information with them.
Once you’ve updated your Medicaid information, if you cannot stay on Medicaid, we will help you sign up for low-cost Florida KidCare coverage for your kids.
Please log into your Medicaid MyACCESS account and follow the instructions to update your information. That’s all you need to do. We will work with Medicaid directly to figure out the best fit for your family.
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act requires that states maintain continuous Medicaid coverage for enrollees during the Public Health Emergency (PHE). Florida has allowed individuals to remain on Medicaid throughout the PHE – even though their household situation may have changed.
As a result of federal legislative changes in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, the continuous coverage provision will end on March 31, 2023. Once the continuous coverage ends, some Medicaid recipients may no longer be enrolled in Medicaid.
The continuous Medicaid coverage provision will end on March 31, 2023.
If you are no longer eligible for Medicaid coverage, the Florida Department of Children and Families will send you a notification through your MyACCESS account, as well as a letter and/or email. To ensure continuing coverage, applications for individuals not determined eligible for Medicaid, but eligible for a different health care coverage program, will automatically be referred to Florida KidCare, the Medically Needy Program, and other subsidized federal health care programs. You can check your MyACCESS account to see if your application has been forwarded to one of these agencies.
Current Medicaid recipients have already provided verification of some eligibility factors, such as identity, Florida residence, citizenship or eligible immigration status. Examples of additional information that may need to be provided includes but is not limited to, information about the members of your household, income and, for certain coverage, asset information.
1-888-540-KIDS (5437)
TTY 1-800-955-8771